26 yo Keysborough AFL footballer survives on field cardiac arrest!!
Defib For Life was established after 4 young players lost their lives at Victorian sporting venues in May 2010. It was found then that only 2-3% of grassroots clubs owned a defibrillator which are crucial if a victim is to survive a cardiac arrest. Fast forward 13 years and we estimate 85% of clubs now own at least one defibrillator. We constantly hear of survival stories, this is happening for these main reasons; early recognition of sudden cardiac arrest, the willingness of bystanders to jump in and start CPR and access to life saving defibrillators at grassroots sports clubs. Jojo Amaah, pictured below, was extremely fortunate to have willing rescuers and access to early defibrillation. On April 23 rd 2023, Jojo a 26 yo Keysborough footballer suffered an on field cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for approximately 5 mins before he was successfully defibrillated which synchronised his heart back to a normal rhythm. 2nd picture shows shows Jojo in hospital with one of his rescuers.
If your club has a defibrillator make sure it is in aa rescue ready state. If your club doesn't have a defibrillator, then it's time to get one. No excuse! Grants are available for grass root clubs or it's time for a fundraiser. You have a duty of care to ensure everyone at your club has the chance to survive should they have a cardiac arrest. For more info contact us on ph 1800 880 309. We have access to a variety of defibrillator options and can help with obtaining new batteries and pads.